Gary Rozanc
Assistant Professor
Graphic Design
410-455-1507 FA 332
Gary Rozanc is a designer, developer, educator and AIGA Baltimore’s Education Director. Gary’s research interests lie in determining the necessary core competencies required to innovate communications in screen-based learning environments so that an effective pedagogy can be developed. Gary’s specifically interested in determining the skill sets required of entry-level interaction and user experience designers. Gary’s objective is to develop a supporting curriculum for these design disciplines that use inquiry and problem based learning methods applied through an observation and analysis of human-made systems to guide the identification of problems and create a culture of innovation that supports and enhances our lives.
In May 2014 Gary’s grant proposal Web Designer Competencies Inventory and Recommendations for Inclusion in Design Curricula,
developed in support of this effort, was awarded the AIGA DEC Design Faculty Research Grant program. Gary’s research includes interviewing interaction design practitioners to determine, contextualize and prioritize these competencies. Gary has presented his research and findings at international and national peer-reviewed conferences including AIGA’s bi-annual National Conference Head, Heart, Hand
and the International Conference on Design Principles & Practices.