Welcome to the Department of Visual Arts at UMBC!
Please review the Adjunct Faculty Handbook.
Important dates on the Academic Calendar can always be found at registrar.umbc.edu.
Parking permits are required to park in designated areas on the UMBC campus. In lieu of an annual permit, daily permits can be purchased from UMBC Parking Services.
Within three business days of your DocuSign Onboarding paperwork being submitted to HR, you should be in receipt of an email from UMBC DoIT with instructions to set up your myUMBC account. If you are not in receipt of an email from UMBC DoIT, check your Spam folder then reach out to the DoIT Help Desk (410-455-3838) as soon as possible. The myUMBC account includes Single Sign-On (SSO) to a variety of web services. Your Area Coordinator can share Visual Arts resources relevant to your area.
Campus Card:
All Faculty, Staff, and Students are required to carry a Campus Card. The Campus Card Office will accept online photo submissions. Go to Campus Card & Mail Services (1st floor of the University Center – behind Starbucks and Chick-Fil-A) for the card. In addition to serving as the ID card and providing swipe access to the Fine Arts Building & the AOK Library, the card grants discounts at local merchants, and facilitates an optional Faculty and Staff Meal Plan. The Meal Plan offers a 53% discount off the cash door price at True Grit’s.
Keys & Access:
Once you have your Campus Card, you need to integrate with our office equipment and request keys. Keys and Access requests will be fulfilled by our Program Manager via the Request Tracker (RT) ticket system: https://art.umbc.edu/visual-arts-at-umbc/visual-arts-help-ticket/. Please do not communicate Key and Card Access concerns via email. Please do not communicate sensitive information via email or RT, instead use DocuSign or BOX to save and share files with sensitive personal information.
Once you submit your RT Ticket, you will be given a Key Contract. The Key Contract must be signed and returned before keys can be issued. Keys must be returned at the end your current contract. You may leave your keys in an envelope in Beth’s departmental mailbox or contact her to schedule a time to hand off your keys. You are responsible for ensuring the department is in receipt of your keys and will be billed for lost keys.
SA Access:
Log in to myUMBC and initiate the PeopleSoft SA Access Form. PeopleSoft SA is an integrated student information system. It facilitates academic and business related transactions to support student enrollment. Notify our Undergraduate Program Coordinator that you have initiated this form.
Printer Access:
The Faculty Multifunction Printer located in FA108.
At least a week prior to the start of your class, please visit campus to ensure everything works. If anything is not working in the Fine Arts Building, ITE, or Lions Brothers Studios submit a ticket: https://art.umbc.edu/visual-arts-at-umbc/visual-arts-help-ticket/. You can also navigate to the portal at art.umbc.edu by clicking “Request Help” on the banner.
For issues elsewhere on campus or problems with BlackBoard please use the Request Help ticketing system on myUMBC.
UMBC Payroll:
Note: All supporting documents should always be transmitted in PDF format.
Work Space:
We have four spaces for adjunct faculty to work in the Fine Arts Building. Shared office spaces are in rooms FA-107C, FA-341 and FA-347 and the faculty work area in room FA-110. These rooms can be used for grading, research or student meetings, with the faculty workroom being less private and has the copier/printer in the space. You may reserve our conference room located in FA112-D by using Google Calendar to add the room to your event profile. Faculty Study Rooms are available in the AOK Library.
Please let your students know about two spaces on the first floor that they can use for study, work, research and collaboration: The Student Study area in room FA107B and the Open Studio and Print Lab in FA113. There are color and B&W copier/printers that students can send work to.
Books & Supplies:
If your class requires a fee, please speak with your area coordinator about how those fees are used and how to purchase supplies.
To have the bookstore carry textbooks or supplies please visit the UMBC Bookstore, or request that the library reserve course materials for your students.
To schedule a showing of student work in the hallways, please contact Beth Yashnyk to be placed on the calendar.
For higher quality and photographic prints, there is a large format inkjet printer service in room FA-345, which Bryan O’Neill manages called ArtPrint. ArtPrint offers a place for faculty and students to scan larger items, and to purchase limited Printmaking supplies.
The university-owned printing service, CommonVision offers a wider array of additional services which include passport photos, 3D printers, button makers, etc. They have a great list of art resources along with guidelines for showing work in their gallery spaces here.
If needed, schedule a demo for WebCheckout to access production/photography equipment with Christian Valiente.
Syllabus and Class Information:
Blackboard Training: Help and Tutorials Blackboard Apps: iTunes and Android
PeopleSoft SA Access: https://enrollment.umbc.edu/sa/sa-access-forms/
Adding students who are “waitlisted”: https://wiki.umbc.edu/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=26281440
Please see the grades calendar. to find out when is the last day to submit grades. If a grade needs to be changed after the deadline, follow the process outlined at registrar.umbc.edu. A copy of the fully-executed Grade Change Form must be forwarded to our Administrative Assistant II.
SUBMIT YOUR SYLLABI to the Business Office before the first week of classes in PDF format. Hard copies of past syllabi can be produced upon request. Please make sure to include the course name and number in your request.
PHOTOCOPY ASSISTANCE FOR CLASSES: There are copiers and printers available in the Faculty Lounge and the Business Office. If you need assistance with photocopies for your classes please provide the materials to the Business Office at least one week (five business days) before the copies are needed.
LATE FOR CLASS?: If you are running late please call the Visual Arts Business Office (410-455-2150) to unlock the classroom door and inform the students of the delay.
CLASS CANCELLATIONS (Sick day): If you must cancel a single meeting of a class, place an RT ticket using the “VART-Instructors” queue to notify us.
CLASS CANCELLATIONS (Long-term): If you must cancel more than a single class session, first send an email to our Undergraduate Program Coordinator and Department Chair for approval, copying your Area Coordinator. Wait for an approval, then place an RT ticket to notify our Business Office and attach the approval to the ticket.
Area-Specific Information:
Area Coordinator – Lisa Moren
Program Specialist – Beth Yashnyk
There is a lab fee associated with Foundations courses. This fees are designed to offset the cost of materials the University purchases for the course. Fees should be used to buy materials that will create a tangible product the students take with them at the end of the credit-bearing course, pay for transportation and admission costs associated with field trips, and offset the cost of using facilities outside the control of the Department.
Supply orders should be submitted at least 2 weeks in advance of need to our Program Specialist. Please give a description of each item, supplier, item ID number, quantity needed, and provide a link or create a Quote, Estimate, or “wishlist” to submit via email. You will receive an email notification when the items are delivered. UMBC enjoys a business-to-business relationship with Amazon, B&H, Rudolph’s Office Supplies, RGH, and DickBlick. Buyers should source as many items as possible from these vendors.
If you need assistance with creating and submitting lists, please reach out to our Program Specialist for further assistance.
The flat files, shelves, tools, and closet spaces are used by several faculty and classes. Please keep these areas clean and organized as much as possible during the semester. At the end of the semester, please clear student work and scrap materials from the space. Contact the Program Coordinator to claim flat file or closet space and general questions about the Foundations program.
Please put in a ticket if the studio is in need of attention (out of paper towels, lights are out, the projector is malfunctioning, etc.).
Area Coordinator – Eric Dyer
Program Manager – Christian Valiente
Art History:
Area Coordinator – James Smalls
Program Specialist – Beth Yashnyk
Cinematic Arts:
Area Coordinator – Cathy Cook
Program Manager – Christian Valiente
Graphic Design:
Area Coordinator – Kelley Bell –
Program Specialist – Beth Yashnyk
Area Coordinator – Lisa Moren –
Program Specialist – Beth Yashnyk
Area Coordinator – Calla Thompson
Program Manager – Bryan O’Neill
Print Media:
Area Coordinator – Irene Chan
Program Manager – Bryan O’Neill
Intermedia Digital Arts (IMDA):
Graduate Program Director – Sarah Sharp
Program Specialist – Beth Yashnyk
University Policies:
CONVERSATIONS ABOUT INCLUSIVENESS: You may have received the message from the President and the Provost regarding inclusiveness at UMBC, titled “UMBC Diversity and Inclusion Resources” especially http://fdc.umbc.edu/the-diverse-classroom/ (The Diverse Classroom — on the Faculty Development Center website). Click on this and follow the trail to multiple resources and suggestions.
***Note: ALL instances of cheating MUST be reported:
Faculty Development Center (FDC) — page on Academic Integrity; why students cheat; and how to prevent cheating: https://fdc.umbc.edu/resources/adjunct/academic-integrity/
The online form to report Academic Misconduct: https://apps.my.umbc.edu/ai/
Ensure that you have communicated your attendance policy in writing as well as UMBC’s policy on plagiarism.
Please cut and paste on Blackboard or email to your students:
- Academic Integrity Statement
UMBC Statement of Values for Academic Integrity
“By enrolling in this course, each student assumes the responsibilities of an active participant in UMBC’s scholarly community in which everyone’s academic work and behavior are held to the highest standards of honesty. Cheating, fabrication, plagiarism, and helping others to commit these acts are all forms of academic dishonesty, and they are wrong. Academic misconduct could result in disciplinary action that may include but is not limited to, suspension or dismissal. To read the full Student Academic Conduct Policy, consult UMBC policies, or the Faculty Handbook (Section 14.3). For graduate courses, see the Graduate School website.”
- Clearly stated Expectations (and penalties) regarding:
- Attendance** — including punctuality
- Attentiveness — including participation
- Approximate number of hours needed per project ****
- Expected prior knowledge of particular tools/software (this is very helpful in responding to students who panic at the end of the semester and then fault the professor).
** Our department has an attendance policy that is posted below. You are free to modify this policy to suit your class and meet your standards of expectation from the students.
Number of excused absences is connected to the number of contact hours of class: 1X a week class: 1 absence is excused
2X per week class: 2 absences are excused After that:
- Documentation is required to transform an unexcused absence into excused (form to be determined by instructor).
- Work must be completed on time no matter what – the student is responsible for keeping track of what is required & getting the correct information.
- Students risk failing the course if they miss more than 15% of class meetings.
*** FYI: Regarding projects —breaking up the important projects/ assignments into a couple or more stages helps students to ensure that they are on track with your expectations. Using a rubric when assigning grades also helps to pinpoint problems that the student needs to work on.
Thanks for taking the time to include this information in your syllabi.
BTW: Please let your students know that if they are upset about something in the course, that there is a strict hierarchy for lodging complaints. First, the student should communicate with you; if the matter is not resolved he/she should communicate with the chair; if there is still no resolution then the student can then approach the Dean. Please deter students from directly emailing the President or the Dean as the first course of action.
Accessing Lynda.com:
You’ll need to sign up for a library card through the Baltimore County Public Library. https://www.bcpl.info/services/get-a-library-card.html
You can either sign up online for limited access or get a card in person at one of the branch locations.
To log in to BCPL’s Lynda.com
- Using a web browser:
- Go to Research Databases
- Select Lynda.com
- Follow the prompts to enter your BCPL card number and PIN. [pin is the last 4-digits of the phone # you gave the library account]
- Using a web browser:
Another streaming media service:
Important UMBC links:
https://my.umbc.edu/ http://art.umbc.edu/
https://cdhe.umbc.edu/ http://aok.lib.umbc.edu/gallery/
https://library.umbc.edu/speccoll/index.php https://fdc.umbc.edu/resources/adjunct/
Social Media:
https://www.facebook.com/UMBC.VisualArts/ https://www.facebook.com/ArtsAtUMBC/ https://www.facebook.com/cadvc.umbc/ https://www.instagram.com/circa_umbc/ https://www.instagram.com/artsatumbc/ https://www.instagram.com/umbcvisualarts/ https://twitter.com/circa_umbc https://twitter.com/UMBCHumanities https://vimeo.com/umbcvarts
For Students:
Additional Info:
There is funding for faculty projects and training on campus through CAHSS PAT. INNOVATE Teaching Certificate.
Resources for Part-Time/Adjunct Faculty at UMBC
Part-time/Adjunct Policy at UMBC
This policy establishes baseline standards for the institutions of the University System of Maryland (USM) related to search processes, appointments, contracts, and conditions of employment for adjunct faculty. The goal of the policy is to assure a high quality of instruction by individuals with appropriate credentials and experience and to provide a set of policies that will lead to continuous improvement in the status of adjunct faculty in all USM institutions.
For a complete description of the policy, please see Section 5.5 in the UMBC Faculty Handbook found at http://www.umbc.edu/provost/Faculty_Handbook/section5.pdf.
New Part-time Faculty Orientation
Twice each year, in August and January, new part-time faculty are invited to an evening dinner and orientation hosted by the Faculty Development Center. The dinner provides an opportunity for you to meet other new faculty at the University. After dinner, representatives from Human Resources, the Albin O. Kuhn Library, the Registrar’s Office, and the Division of Information Technology provide you with timely information for beginning your work at UMBC.
Topics addressed include:
- Administrative issues such as payroll, campus ID, parking, and recreation privileges
- Library services available to faculty including e-reserves, interlibrary loan, and class support
- Technology services such as general computing support, the Student Administration (SA) system, media equipment in classrooms, and the Blackboard course management system
Teaching support available such as consultations, observations, and resources for promoting academic integrity Teaching Resources at UMBC All of the resources of the Faculty Development Center (FDC) are available to you as a faculty member at UMBC. The Director of the Faculty Development Center consults with faculty on any teaching issue, from designing courses to active learning methods to the assessment of students. The Center works with faculty across disciplines and has resources available on effective teaching approaches, evaluation and improvement strategies, and methods of working productively with students. You may also request that the Center Director observe your class and offer feedback. Gathering feedback from students during the course is an excellent way to establish rapport with a class and address any issues students have before they become a problem on the end-of-semester evaluations. Consider asking the FDC to help you with this process by conducting a mid-semester student small group evaluation. The evaluation takes approximately twenty minutes at the beginning of a class period of your choosing. The FDC maintains a website with a number of resources readily available to you at http://www.umbc.edu/fdc. As you seek to develop and improve your teaching, you may wish to check the list of short research-based tip-sheets on various teaching issues found on the Teaching and Learning Topics page of the website. Additional ideas for addressing certain teaching challenges may be found under Other Resources at the Solve a Teaching Problem page, a databank developed by the Eberly Center for Teaching Excellence at Carnegie Mellon. The Faculty Resources page of the FDC website gives a complete list of the teaching resources and services available to you through the FDC at UMBC. Connecting with Other Teachers at UMBC The FDC sponsors a number of workshops on teaching topics throughout the year. These workshops provide an informal, collegial setting to discuss the latest research on learning and effective teaching strategies with faculty across disciplines. Please check the FDC website for a complete list of the programs throughout the year. The FDC listserv, facultydevelopment@lists.umbc.edu, provides you with a quick, easy way to request resources and share ideas about teaching with your colleagues as well as the FDC Director. The Director also uses this venue as a way to share news about opportunities such as workshops and provide timely suggestions for teaching effectively and efficiently. All new part-time faculty are added to this listserv, but if you do not receive this information and would like to, please contact the Center at fdc@umbc.edu or by calling 5-1829. Other Professional Development Opportunities The University departments and colleges sponsor a number of lectures open to all faculty at the University. For example, the Social Sciences Forum (http://www.umbc.edu/socsforum/) and the Humanities Forum (http://www.umbc.edu/dreshercenter/forum/), the Entrepreneurship Speaker Series (http://www.umbc.edu/entrepreneurship/speakers/) and the ADVANCE Distinguished Speaker Series (http://www.umbc.edu/advance/) provide a series of lectures each semester of interest to a broad range of disciplines. Check with your department administrator for information on lectures and seminars of special interest in your field. For the full range of opportunities, visit the Events web page found at http://my.umbc.edu/events.